

  • To assist WHO in developing / updating training materials for health workers on vaccine safety, contraindications, and clinical management of adverse events following immunization.
  • On request of WHO to provide support in conducting AEFI investigations and AEFI crisis response.
  • To contribute to WHO work in training of health workers on vaccine safety, contraindications, and introduction of new vaccines.
Activity ID 1 2 3 4
Activity title Regular revision and update of the package of WHO training materials on vaccine safety and contraindications. Development of guidelines and training materials for health workers on clinical management of adverse events following immunization. High-level real-time online multidisciplinary expert clinical support to WHO to investigate serious cases and clusters of adverse events following immunization. Conduct training of trainers on vaccine safety, contraindications, and clinical managements of AEFIs.
Name(s) of funding sources Federico Martinón Torres, Irene Rivero Calle Federico Martinón Torres, Irene Rivero Calle Federico Martinon-Torres, Irene Rivero Calle, José Gómez Rial, Antonio Rodríguez Núñez, Jesús Eirís Puñal Federico Martinón Torres, Irene Rivero Calle, José Gómez Rial, Antonio Rodríguez Núñez, Jesús Eirís Puñal
Type of activity Product development (guidelines; manual; methodologies; etc.) Product development (guidelines; manual; methodologies; etc.) Providing technical advise to WHO Training and education
Description of the activity ans how it is implemented By WHO Regional Office for Europe request, Public Health Services Provider in Galicia (Sergas) developed a package of training materials on vaccine safety and contraindications for health workers. The training materials are aimed to improve health workers’ knowledge and increase their confidence in vaccines in order to reduce missed opportunities to vaccinate infants due to not justified contraindications. The training materials have been used to conduct regional trainings of trainers and trainings of front-line health workers at country level. There is a need to regularly update training materials to include information about new vaccines, new knowledge about adverse events following immunization, and updated data on vaccines impact and benefits of immunization. The WHO Collaborating Center will conduct regular revision and update of the training materials and WHO Regional Office for Europe will provide advice and coordinate this work. The updated package of training materials will be published at WHO web site and will be used to conduct trainings of health workers at regional and country levels. WHO Regional Office for Europe provides support to countries in investigation and response to adverse events following immunization. Recent experience in responding to clusters of adverse events following immunization with DTwPhepBHib vaccine in Kyrgyzstan and measles and HPV vaccines in Kazakhstan revealed lack of WHO resources and tools to assist health workers in clinical management of clusters of AEFIs and anxiety-related AEFIs. WHO Collaborating Center will develop guidelines and training materials on clinical management of AEFIs. WHO Regional Office will coordinate the development of training materials and provide advice. The training materials will be used to conduct trainings of health workers at regional and national levels and will be published at WHO website. WHO provides support to countries in investigation and response to severe cases and clusters of adverse events following immunization, including expert advice on clinical diagnostics and clinical management of AEFI cases. WHO Collaborating Center will establish a multidisciplinary team of clinical experts from the Public Health Services Provider in Galicia (Sergas) who will provide clinical support to countries in the investigation of severe cases and clusters of AEFIs. The support will be provided immediately in real time using emedia (teleconferences, email, etc) and / or in the field through participation of clinical experts in WHO country missions as members of investigation team. WHO Regional Office for Europe will coordinate the work of multidisciplinary team of experts and arrange country missions. Conducting trainings for health workers to increase their knowledge about immunization and build confidence in vaccines is one of the priorities of WHO Regional Office. WHO Collaborating Center will provide qualified and experienced experts to lead WHO trainings for health workers to prepare key confident trainers in the area of vaccine safety and contraindications. WHO Regional Office will co -implement the trainings
Expected deliverables Updated package of WHO training materials on vaccine safety and contraindications. The intellectual property rights of these deliverables will be owned by WHO (in accordance with the WHO Manual XV5.8, paragaraph 50, and paragraph 3.1.2 of the terms and conditions). Guidelines and package of training materials on clinical management of adverse events following immunization. Cases / Cluster assessment reports with recommendations on clinical management of AEFIs. Training for key trainers from the priority countries are conducted.